

Tao and the Cosmic Principle

森上逍遥著『タオと宇宙原理』の英語版“Tao and the Cosmic Principle”が電子版にて発売中です。first editionから、新たに語句等についての註と「おわりに」が付されました。知識ではなく、本物の哲学的思索に挑戦したい、生きることの本質を求めたい人にとって必読の書です!

This book introduces the laws of astrophysics and attempts to reveal the truth of “existence” through the author’s specialties in Buddhism and Eastern philosophies, especially that of the philosopher Laozi.-Within this book's contents, I discuss the similarities between the psyche as the origin of man and the nucleus, something I believe to be a world first. Despite it being a somewhat lengthy text, I believe that the intellectually curious will be excited to read about the cosmos, Buddha’s enlightenment, and the world beyond our own.

(quoted from Introduction)


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